Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Days Without Incident: 0

Well, the little guy had a nice streak going but unfortunately it ended this morning. At about 7:40 am he had an episode that saw his lips turn blue and hands tremble. It lasted for about 45 seconds, comparatively it was not that bad but those 45 seconds feel like hours. You slip into this weird vortex where the clock seems to slow. You are so thankful when they are done, but then it's always followed by a wave of anger. 45 seconds is too much time to take from a 2 year old.


1 comment:

  1. I am so tired of this! I want an diagnoses and I want it right now. Noah so deserves to be able to have a healthy life! I am so sorry it's happening again. I wish his stupid Doctors could actually figure something out. I thought they were the best in the city?
